Discalced Carmelite Monastery - Auckland

The Will of God is Our Peace.
Welcome to Our Carmel of St. Thomas, Apostle
Our daily Mass is 7.30am

Our Shop
Our main source of income is from Baking Altar Breads.
Work is done in Silence & Solitude.
The ingredients for Altar Bread making are only the mixture of wheaten flour and water.
Four iron machines, heated bake them.
The cooked Plaques are then put in the humidifier room to soften so that they can be cut neatly without cracking.
The Cutting of Altar Breads, is done by a machine which has a sharp round blade.
The blades are in different sizes.
About 75 Plaques are stacked together and the blade cuts through them.
The hosts are then sorted, dried and ready for weighing and packing.
They are sold by our friends at St. Patrick's Cathedral.
To purchase directly from the Carmelite Nuns:
Email: [email protected]
Bank: Carmelite Nuns Auckland 03-0179-0055262-000

Directions to our Monastery
Carmelite Monastery
636 Mt Albert Road
Royal Oak
Auckland 1023
Contact Us: [email protected]
Thank You for Your Generous Donation.
Account# : 03-0179-0055262-000